I finally uploaded the rest of Grayson's birth story. I've had it finished for months but I needed to clean it up and decided three parts was better than two. You can read the first part here.
Grayson was fitted for a helmet a couple of weeks ago and he started wearing it on Tuesday. Since he was stuck in an uncomfortable position in the womb and then spent five weeks laying in the same spot while in the NICU it was not a big surprise to us that he needed one. We were hoping things would correct on its own but that wasn't the case.
Thy sky was beautiful on my walk this week. You can't see much of the Louisville skyline in this picture but it's still pretty.
My Instagram hasn't updated to this, yet. However, I am so excited for it to change because I have said, for years, how cool would it be if we were able to use Instagram like that.
I love s'mores.. and these look AHA-MAZING!
Speaking of s'mores. There's a new girl scout cookie and it's a s'mores cookie. I'm going to need to buy a box of those. Or two!
This mug! I send a message to Jason probably once a day that say's this! lol!
I'm making this for dinner one night next week. It looks delicious!
I'm really excited about this show. I hope it does well!
Have a great weekend!
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